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HomeSingle Gentlemen Information



All members must be at least 24 Years Old.

All single gentlemen go through an interview process.

If you are not willing to be interviewed, do not apply.

We welcome single gentlemen at Karizma on the third Saturday of the month. You can check the Party Calendar to see if single gentlemen are allowed to attend a particular event. On other nights, we may allow one or two of our vetted single gentlemen to attend. We do this so that everyone can have a good time. Most couples and single ladies do not want to be overwhelmed with too many single gentlemen. Everyone that enters Karizma MUST be a registered member. If you are a single gentlemen looking to obtain membership, please read this page carefully.


In order to obtain membership, you must first fill out the Membership Application. Please know that if you do not have an established (2 or more years), PAID SLS account with a picture and/or a current member that can sponsor you, we reserve the right to automatically reject your application. Once you submit your application, it will be reviewed and you will receive an email within a few days with instructions for a telephone interview. You have one week to get in touch with us to complete the interview process. Failure to complete this process within one week will result in your application being dropped. Once your application is approved, you are considered a pending member and you will receive an email with your membership number, our address, and some other important information. Once you arrive at the club, you will be considered an active member after you have paid your membership fee. Since there is a process for single gentlemen to get approved, if you submit an application on the day of a party, do not expect to hear back the same day.


In order to attend, you must add yourself to the event on (SLS). If we remove you, this is because we are at capacity for that party. You must also make a reservation with us by going to If you do not make your reservation, we will remove you from the event on SLS. Please do not add yourself to the event on SLS if you are not a member.


Since we only allow a small amount of single gentlemen into each party, it is important that you let us know within 24 hours if you need to cancel your reservation so that we can give someone else the opportunity to attend. If you are a no show, you will receive one warning. The next time that you no show, we reserve the right to revoke your membership.


After your first visit, you are considered an active member. You must log into your account on this website, upload a picture and add a bio. Please remember that single gentlemen MUST always make a reservation with us using this link:


You are required to read and agree to the club rules. Upon arrival at Karizma, you will sign a copy of the membership agreement. This includes the white bracelet rule. Anyone that is interested in possibly playing with a single male is invited to wear a white bracelet. The white bracelet lets you know that it is okay to approach them. You may have a conversation with anyone at the club, but the white bracelet helps you to know which individuals may be interested in more. Bracelets are available free of charge and can be picked up at check-in or at the bar.


  • Please remember that Karizma is a cash only establishment.
  • Approved single gentlemen are allowed to attend our event on the third Saturday of the month.
  • As stated already, it is your responsibility to make sure you read all of the rules, code of conduct, and make yourself familiar with the dress code.